Webinars, Podcasts, and Blogs


Rose, J. (Host). (2024, October 2). Leader Chat: Ep96 – The Call to Courage with Sheldon Berman and Luvelle Brown. Cognia. Webinar: https://vimeo.com/1015372389/9fd194aefa. Podcast: Episode 96: The Call To Courage with Sheldon Berman and Luvelle Brown – Leader Chat With Jeff Rose | Podcast on Spotify

Stiepleman, P. (Host). (2024, September 17). The Call to Courage: Shelley Berman navigates divisive forces in education. [Podcast episode]. The imperfect leader: The superintendents and leadership podcast. Liberated Syndication. https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/33029662

Berman, S. (2024, September 19). Getting SEL implementation right. AASA. https://www.aasa.org/resources/resource/getting-sel-implementation-right

Stiepleman, P. (Host). (2024, September 17). The Call to Courage: Shelley Berman Navigates Divisive Forces in Public Education. [Podcast episode]. The imperfect leader: The superintendents and leadership podcast. Liberated Syndication. https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/33029662

Collins, J. (Host). (2024, August 20). Call to Courage: Standing Up for Public Education with Sheldon Berman [Audio podcast]. Red Wine & Blue. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9k-qBo-6C4

Rose, J. (Host). (2024, April 24). Leader Chat: Ep83 – Social Emotional Learning, From Recognition to Action with Sheldon Berman. Cognia. Webinar:https://vimeo.com/933360413/3a9947196d. Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-83-social-emotional-learning-from-recognition/id1456969336?i=1000654966474

Becton, S. (Host). (2024, March 18). Student engagement and positive culture: A discussion for school leaders, with S. Berman and C. Johnson-Dean [Webinar]. Facing History and Ourselves. https://www.facinghistory.org/learning-events/student-engagement-positive-culture-discussion-school-leaders

Vincent, K. (Host). (2024, February 1). Responsive classroom adoption: Insights from school leaders, with S. Berman, A. Nichols, M. Cretsinger, and A. Sansone. [Webinar]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1wAt_IE0lE

Stiepleman, P. (Host). (2024, January 30). Dr. Sheldon Berman talks integration, division, and the importance of knowing our history. [Podcast episode]. The imperfect leader: The superintendents and leadership podcast. Liberated Syndication. https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/29638348

Berman, S. (2023, December 5). Insights from districts effectively implementing systemic change in SEL. [Virtual keynote address]. Branching Minds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jgaCYEakK8

Berman, S., Lesan, A., Vasquez, V., & Brunn, P. (2023, October 11). Implementing SEL: Finding success, avoiding setbacks. [On-demand webinar]. Collaborative Classroom. https://info.collaborativeclassroom.org/implementing-sel-successes-and-setbacks

Berman, S., & McKown, C. (2023, April 25). How to empower your district with effective SEL [Webinar]. xSEL Labs & 7 Mindsets. https://xsel-labs.com/webinar/how-to-empower-your-district-with-effective-social-emotional-learning/

Berman, S., & Samuel, A. (2023, February 3). Reclaiming the narrative on SEL: Strengthening parent support [Webinar]. AASA, the School Superintendents Association. https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/play/BF89lcPAGVcFKP6xc5pH6LUSSuf8ybbbi9dQAAZ0K2PSAsIy1CKNt8I3_8zmE55gRGvtrSvR6kug74ka.LBsdZnnpodZibGke?continueMode=true

Saphier, J. (Host). (2022, September). Shelley Berman—A comprehensive approach to SEL for teachers and leaders [Video file]. In RBT Interview Series. Research for Better Teaching.  https://www.rbteach.com/videos/collection/8

Berman, S., Bergthold, L., Fournier, R., & Vetter, J. (2022, February 8). Effective strategies for responding to pushback against social and emotional learning [Webinar]. Education Development Center (EDC). https://solutions.edc.org/solutions/education-wellbeing/events/effective-strategies-responding-pushback-against-social-and

Berman, S., & Darling-Hammond, L. (2021, November 8). Communicating the “learning” in social-emotional learning. [ Blog series]. In Educating the Whole Child. Retrieved from https://learningpolicyinstitute.org/blog/communicating-learning-social-emotional-learning

Jacobs, Larry (Host). (2021, July 27). An AASA speak-out on the importance of social-emotional learning, with Dr. Sheldon Berman, Lisa Xaga, and Angelyn Nichols. [Audio podcast episode]. In Education Talk Radio PreK-20. BlogTalkRadio. https://www.ace-ed.org/an-aasa-speak-out-on-the-importance-of-sel/

CASEL. (2020, November 17). Key priorities for evidence-based SEL practices: Mary Utne O’Brien Award. Remarks by recipient Dr. Sheldon Berman [Video file]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1D1xUjkK4mg&feature=youtu.be

Berman, Sheldon. (2020, November 9). Building teacher capacity for SEL through community. Guest blog posted to https://casel.org/guest-blog-sheldon-berman/

Berman, Sheldon. (2020, May 12). SEL leadership in a virtual world. Message posted to https://aasa.org/LeadershipBlog.aspx?id=44708&blogid=84067

Aguilar, J., Berman, S., Gallien, E., & Johnson-Trammell, K. (2020, May 9). Superintendents share their experience leading in virtual times [Webinar]. CASEL. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BF01gba71k

Berman, S., Marschhausen, J., Moore, C., & Walker, M. (2020, May 4). Incorporating SEL into back-to-school planning [Webinar]. Edweek. https://panoramaed.wistia.com/medias/ns7veq9h5o

Berman, S., & McKown, C. (2020, April 30). Closing rituals and traditions matter: Finding meaningful ways to close the 2019-2020 school year [Webinar]. ERDI. https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Connecting-the-ERDI-Community-during-COVID-19.html?soid=1130569056326&aid=WCsf7ooAtWA

Jacobs, Larry (Host). (2020, April 15). Social emotional learning in the age of remote education, with Dr. Sheldon Berman. [Audio podcast episode]. In Education Talk Radio PreK-20. BlogTalkRadio. https://www.blogtalkradio.com/edutalk/2020/04/15/social-emotional-learning-in-the-age-of-remote-education